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Learn more about the faces behind

SOFC and our Manifesto.



Science of Food Choice was designed by Julita Baker, PhD with the mission to help individuals make value-driven food choices for long term health.  

Dr. Baker incorporates scientific approaches in the realms of Neuroscience, Psychology, Consumer Behavior, and Nutrition to show a research-derived process to food choice change - not only via direct translation of research findings, but also via connecting the brightest minds in these fields to share their knowledge to optimal health. 

SoFC shows you WHAT nutrients have been scientifically shown to be best for health, HOW to eat them (what eating behaviors have been researched to work), and empowers you to your long term WHY. 

Listen in to our Podcast, see our Services, and Connect with us to find out more. 


Fun Facts


Julita designed & taught nutrition courses at Stanford University


She recently moved to the Boulder area in Colorado with her husband Ryan, son Luca, and dog Oddie 


She loves running and competes in a variety of races



PhD, Scientist, Runner
Photo of Grandma in Poland

Originally from Gdańsk, Poland, Dr. Julita Baker has always been interested in food and health. As a child, she loved being a part of the food process, helping her grandparents grow, pick, and cook vegetables from their garden. Her parents came to the US in the early 1980's- initially separately- when Julita and her sister Emilia were 1 and 2 years old, and the two sisters then followed several years later.

Over a decade later, she graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology, and then worked in the Microbial Ecology Program at the Joint Genome Institute where she analyzed Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) of DNA in termite hindgut microbial communities. Still being fascinated with food and health, she went back to graduate school to receive a Ph.D. in Nutritional Biology. Initially working on the microbiology side of human health and nutrition, she later transitioned into running a 6 year human intervention trial examining health effects of whole grain versus refined grain products with her UC Davis colleagues. Within this grain study, she examined eating behavior - specifically - the relationship between convenient/palatable food intake in physiological and dispositional measures of mindfulness skills and stress states.

While working in the lab, she held several University teaching appointments in Undergraduate Microbiology Lab, Undergraduate Nutrition, and Graduate level Metabolic Homeostasis courses.  

Since then, she's designed and taught The Science of Making Better Food Choices and The Science of Making Conscientious Food Choices for Stanford University’s Continuing Studies Program, consulted for entrepreneurs, start-ups, and one-on-one for companies and individuals who wished to have a direct connection to evidence-based research in health.

Currently she is a Health Educator for Kaiser Permanente, a Nutrition Advisor and Consultant for Ample Foods, LeanMD, and Fitnescity, and she consults on an individual basis. In these roles, she collaborates, deconstructs complex nutritional and behavioral science, and translates research into actionable tools.

When not translating research findings, you can likely find Julita outside; hiking, cooking, running, and hanging out with her husband Ryan, son Luca, and dog Oddie.



The goal of SoFC is to Empower individuals with tools to a long-term health roadmap.